Atma Kriya Yoga

Atma Kriya Yoga means 'action with awareness of the soul'. It is a full yoga and meditation system that helps you connect with your True Self, gives you a lived experience of unconditional Divine Love, and a path to build a relationship with God. It is not merely a meditation practice; it is a way of living and loving life. What makes this yogic practice unique is the emphasis on Bhakti Yoga (The yoga of love and devotion).
The source of Atma Kriya Yoga
Mahavatar Babaji is a great, timeless yogi who has vowed to support & uplift humanity. He is known as the father of all the modern kriya yoga traditions. Paramahamsa Vishwananda is his direct disciple. Together, they chose the best techniques to support spiritual advancement for these current times. It is simple, but very powerful when received and respected.
The Shakitpat initiation carries the grace of all kriya yoga masters and the Divine Mother Herself as the Maha Shakti (kundalini energy) in the practice.
You will learn how to...
Practically implement Bhakti Yogi into your life through specific kriya techniques aligned with the 9 forms of Bhakti (Navadha Bhakti).
Cultivate your unique personal relationship with God.
- Purify and balance the physical and subtle bodies.
Elevate your consciousness.
Unite mind, body, and soul.
Improve concentration and overall health.
Connect with the Divine through: breathwork, mudras, asanas, and chanting mantras
What does meditation have to do with love?
Love has been described as the highest science by the kriya masters. Bhakti yoga as a pathway to this lived experience of true love is the same in all races, cultures, and religions, for it is about simply and naturally cultivating your unique, inherent relationship with the eternal divinity in all things and in the core of your own heart. This is Atma Kriya Yoga -- Kriya encoded with the essence of bhakti in every single practice.
"Fancy spiritual techniques disinterested me by the time I encountered Atma Kriya Yoga. I had practiced many things at that point (intensely), then sought to simply engage in life with no obsessive aim but presence and love in the every day moments. I discovered AKY wasn't oriented around “achieving” something with force, but rather, a practice which creates the space for however much time you have to simply and naturally be in the presence of God’s Love through every conscious breath. This divinity is not something to be reached, but rather something we already have right here, right now."
-- Nikunja
journey together
Get in touch to learn more about Atma Kriya Yoga and schedule a private or group course. Courses typically take two days either in person or online.